Analytics and Machine Learning for Healthcare Data

Toyya Pujol (RAND Corporation)

29-Jul-2022, 23:30-01:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The volume of healthcare data continues to grow faster than any other industry; providing new opportunities for analysis of how to improve outcomes. This creates an even greater demand for empirical research and development of rigorous statistical and machine learning methods for healthcare data. Causal inference provides vital insights within the healthcare field where association between variables does not suffice. This talk will walk through two frameworks for assessing causal impacts within observational data. The first will leverage analytics to assess the impact of adolescent pregnancy. The results of the study, its contributions and potential impacts will be discussed. The second will demonstrate how machine learning can be used in causal inference. The method presented is doubly robust and applied to a difference-in-differences study design to evaluate a health insurance policy.

Finally, we quickly discuss my newer work including healthcare networks, analysis of racial disparities in colorectal cancer, and analysis of synthetic opioid trafficking.

commutative algebraalgebraic geometrygeneral mathematicsnumber theoryrings and algebras

Audience: undergraduates

PRiME: Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience

Series comments: PRiME is hosting a series of talks which will take place on Fridays in July. All are welcome to join us either in person at Pomona College or virtually over Zoom. There will be two types of series.


We will have a series of 2-hour workshops geared for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. The Morning Sessions will take place from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific, while the Afternoon Sessions will take place from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pacific. The Student Professional Development Series (geared for undergraduates) will meet at Pomona College in Estella 1051 (Argue Auditorium); while the Faculty Professional Development Series (geared for graduate students and junior faculty) will meet in Estella 1021 (Noether Auditorium).


We will have outside speakers to visit with us on Fridays from 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific. We will meet in person at Pomona College in Estella 1051 (Argue Auditorium).

Organizers: Edray Herber Goins*, Alex Barrios, Brian Bishop
*contact for this listing

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